Monday, January 19, 2009

Was NAIS the Downfall of Obama?

Insiders are debating what brought Barack Obama down. The smart money believes it was, in the end...NAIS.

Before every American citizen can be completely tracked, a network of monitors, cameras and sensors must first be installed on the premises of every home and business. No small task, given that some Americans over age 50 remember what freedom was, and it's twin sister, PRIVACY.

NAIS is the key to future governmental control of the individual. As such, nothing is as important. If individuals can be harnessed, like a beast of burden, they can be fully exploited.

Barack Obama owned 11,390 shares of ASDX before his equities were placed into a blind trust, prior to running for President. NAIS and ASDX are also twins.

No program to place every American into a straight-jacket will EVER be successful. But if done incrementally...voila! We'll do it, no problem. With a smile.

To illustrate, please see this done in a real world situation. Then, tell a friend.

This blog will provide several tips a day to any who wish to know the how and why of tyranny. We'll never sell you a book, CD, tape or ask for donaations. Only your time (about 3 minutes a day) and your attention, which will come naturally...guaranteed.

Thanks. Oh...and pardon our humor.

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