Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sasha Offers Dad's Hanky on eBay

Sasha Obama has put her father's soiled handkerchief up for bids on eBay this morning. On February 20, 2008, while speaking to a chilled audience, the Presidential hopeful blew his nose, and film shows he handed the folded hanky to Sasha.

"I can save up for my college if I auction daddy's stuff," she smiled, "It's kinda cool."

Cool indeed. The amount is getting serious now. 83 bidders at a price of $383.50 in the first 4 hours. If this hits the major news media rounds, watch out.

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DALLAS – It's probably safe to say that you have arrived as a politician when your audience applauds when you blow your nose.

Yes, just a day before a debate in Texas, Sen. Barack Obama has a head cold.
And about a half-hour into a speech here, the Illinois Democrat announced that he had to take a quick break. "Gotta blow my nose here for a second," Obama said.

Out came a Kleenex (actually it was a white cotton hankie), and he wiped his nose. His daughter Sasha, prompted by mom, reached for the prop.

The near-capacity audience at the Reunion Arena, which his campaign said totaled 17,000, broke out in a slightly awkward applause.

Despite the cold, Obama's voice seems as strong as ever. He has a light schedule today and some time to rest up before his debate Thursday evening with Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York.

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