Wednesday, January 28, 2009

BEYONCE: Microchip Implants on Obama Agenda

Surprise! The major media is beginning to shill the Verichip for all Americans. Starting with inmates, then spreading to elderly patients, and finally for school children and any other Americans who depend upon work, electricity and water...the new campaign seeks to hoodwink millions of sheep over the cliff.

Alex Jones has agreed to push hard for the American Microchip, but balks at a Global program. "We need to be owned by only one government," he shouted in Texas last week, "If cloned, then a Global chip would be tolerable."

Most churches have signed on to the program, as it will mean they get to stay tax-exempt if they foist it upon their trusting flocks.

Police Unions have signed a promise to stop all abuse of authority if two things occur: The Microchip implantation of all, and no private weapons are kept by citizens.

Beyonce was frisked for nearly 40 minutes before the Inauguration. "This could have been a simple 5-second process, Obama spoke, "if only people could see the benefits."
Burning Man 2009 will offer free implants for the first 5,000 attendees.

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